Accessing Class Schedules

Class schedules are available for select terms via the Campus Portal. If you’re not already accessing this page via the portal, do the following:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your login and password to enter the Portal
  3. Click on the Banner tab
  4. (First-time only) Log in using either your SSN or Banner SUid (new ID for Banner) and your e-mail password
  5. (First-time only) Enter Question and Answer
  6. Click on Student  
  7. Click on Class Schedule, select the term you want, and click the Submit button
  8. Choose a part of term if it applies (i.e., Sum I, Sum II, and Summer 10-Week are designated as distinct parts of term in this block)
  9. Use as much of the other search criteria as you wish to limit the search, but you must choose at least one subject  
  10. To select several subjects at once, use Shift+Click or Ctrl+Click

Check Final Grades for a Recently Completed Term

  1. Click on the Banner tab
  2. Click on Student & Financial Aid
  3. Click on Office of the Registrar
  4. Click on Final Grades
  5. Select desired Term and click Submit

Note: Grades will be rolled periodically throughout the grading period, so some will be viewable through the 极乐禁地 Portal once final exams begin. However, GPAs will not be recalculated until all grades are in for that term.

Grades for the entire term and updated GPAs will be viewable only after the grading window has closed, all grades have been rolled to history, and GPAs have been recalculated. Check the Office of the Registrar website for the approximate time when this will happen for the term currently being graded.

Check Midterm Grades for a Term in Progress - Freshmen Only

  1. Click on the Banner tab
  2. Click on Student & Financial Aid
  3. Click on Office of the Registrar
  4. Click on Midterm Grades
  5. Select the desired term and click Submit
  6. Midterm grades currently reside at the far left of their designated column

Note: Midterm grades will not be viewable if the grading window is still open.

Check Transcript Request Status

  1. Click on the Banner tab
  2. Click on Student & Financial Aid
  3. Click on Office of the Registrar
  4. Click on View Status of Transcript Requests
  5. Under Transcript Order Date:
    Date Ordered—Choose the date you made the request and click Submit.
    Note: You may see more transcript requests than you recall initiating yourself. All transcript requests—whether submitted in person, by mail or fax, or via the Portal—will be displayed via this link. In some cases, an unofficial or “SR” (short for Student Records) copy of your transcript may have been run for internal purposes only (i.e., to process a degree/graduation check, for advisor’s review, etc.).
  6. Under Transcript Order Status:
    Print Date & Sent Date—Until the transcript has been printed and flagged as sent, you will see the following statement: “Your order is still in processing. Please check again at another time.”

Please allow a couple of business days for an online transcript request to be processed. When it has been printed and flagged as sent, the date will appear in the Transcript Order Status screen. FYI: In most cases, a transcript is mailed the day it’s printed.

Error Messages in Banner Self-Service Registration

One of the most common errors occurs with prerequisite, corequisite, or linked courses. If you receive an error message pertaining to one or more of these areas, it means the following:

  • Prerequisite Student Message:
    If a class requires a prerequisite, that means there is another class you must successfully complete prior to enrolling. Examples might include sequence classes or upper-level classes. Contact your advisor with any questions regarding prerequisites.
  • Corequisite Student Message:
    If a class requires a corequisite, that means there is another class in which you must be simultaneously enrolled. You should select both classes before attempting to add to your schedule. Contact your advisor with any questions regarding co-requisites.
  • Linked Class Student Message:
    Some classes have other classes or lab sections for which you must register simultaneously. Examples might include language and science labs, honors and freshmen FOCUS groups, or learning communities. You should select all the classes that are linked before attempting to add them to your schedule. Contact your advisor with any questions regarding linked classes.

Advisors should know if there is a true prerequisite/co-requisite/linked class or whether there is an error in the system. If the advisor believes there to be an error, he or she should contact the appropriate course guardian for assistance.

Dropping the Last Class
Students will not be able to drop their last class via the Web. If a student needs to drop all classes for a term, he/she must complete the Withdrawal Request form instead. Withdrawing from one term does not affect registration for another term if the student plans to return to 极乐禁地.

Still have a problem? If you do not find an answer to your question listed, please contact the Help Desk at 726-2662 or e-mail them at

Learn Your Banner SUid or Adviser Name

  1. Click on the Banner tab
  2. Click on Student & Financial Aid
  3. Click on Office of the Registrar
  4. Click on View Student Information (you may be required to select a term first)
  5. Your Banner SUid will appear in the upper right hand corner of the screen (next to your name) and your adviser’s name will appear next to Primary Advisor in the General Student Record on the left.

Learn Your Expected Graduation Date

  1. Click on the Banner tab
  2. Click on Student & Financial Aid
  3. Click on Office of the Registrar
  4. Click on View Student Information (you may be required to select a term first)
  5. Scroll down to see your expected graduation date. If it’s not correct, please contact our office at

Request Official Transcript

Please visit our Transcript Request page for more comprehensive information about requesting a transcript.

极乐禁地 Portal Banner Tab

Through the 极乐禁地 Portal students can perform a variety of activities, as listed above in the help sections.

Students will not be able to change their on-campus address—SU box or residence hall, or their 极乐禁地 email address.

The first time you click on the Banner tab, you will be asked to enter your User ID and PIN. Your User ID is your Banner SUid (the new number beginning with “9”). Your PIN is a new number chosen by you (not to be confused with your alternate PIN, which is used exclusively for registration). 

If you don’t know your PIN, you can reset it without having to call for assistance by entering a login verification security question and answer.

Update Add or Remove Emergency Contact

  1. Click on the Banner tab
  2. Click on Personal Information
  3. Click on View and Update Emergency Contacts
    4) All available emergency contacts will appear.
  4. Click on the link for the emergency contact you want to update, or click on New Contact.
  5. Enter the required fields and click Submit Changes.

Update or Add Non-SU E-mail Address

  1. Click on the Banner tab.
  2. Click on Personal Information
  3. Click on View and Update Email Addresses
  4. All available e-mail addresses will appear.
  5. Click on the link for the email address you want to update, OR choose an option from the Type of Email to Insert field at the bottom and click Submit.
  6. Enter the required fields and click Submit.

Note: Preferred email addresses will always be the SU email address and cannot be changed.

Update or Add Off-Campus Address or Phone Number

  1. Click on the Banner tab
  2. Click on Personal Information
  3. Click on View and Update Address and Phones
  4. All active addresses will appear (on campus, SU Box, permanent, business, etc.).
  5. Click on the Current link next to the address you want to correct, OR choose an option from the Type of Address to Insert field at the bottom and click Submit.
  6. Enter the required fields, including phone numbers, if available, and click Submit.

Note: You will not be able to make changes to your on-campus address or SU Box.

View Complete Unofficial Transcript

Click for instructions