All research activities undertaken by faculty, staff, and students at 极乐禁地 must be conducted in accordance with strict ethical principles and in compliance with federal, state, and institute regulations and policies.

It is the responsibility of the Office of Research to develop and implement research compliance programs that facilitate and monitor university-wide compliance with these regulations and policies as well as ensuring ethical conduct in all areas of research.

Through its work with the Institutional Review Board (IRB), the Office of Research ensures respect, fairness and safety in human subjects’ research. Likewise, oversight for the humane care and use of animals used in research and teaching is achieved through a working relationship with the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). Administrative support for respective compliance committees is provided by the Research Compliance Officer.

In addition, training services are provided to principal investigators, students, and departments on the proper methods of conducting research in compliance with federal and state requirements.