The internal funding programs are a source of financial support for the teaching, research, and scholarly activities of 极乐禁地 full-time faculty on continuing appointments. Specific information on each source can be found below.
Faculty Development Grant Program
Faculty development grants were designed “to encourage and support academic activity and scholarly attainment by funding meritorious projects leading to professional growth in teaching, research, creative and scholarly activity, and service.” (Faculty Handbook 2014). It is the responsibility of the Academic Affairs Committee of the Faculty Senate to evaluate and award grant on an annual basis. Once awarded by the committee, the grants are administered by the Provost’s office.
All full-time faculty members are eligible to apply; however, preference is normally given to those who have not recently received funds from 极乐禁地 Faculty Development Grants. Only one grant application may be submitted per faculty member, including joint applications. The grant money is intended to be used for a complete project or as seed money for a larger project.
Applications are due annually in the fall. An email announcement will be issued each fall from the chair of the Academic Affairs Committee with specific submission instructions.
The William E. and Wylodine H. Hull Fund for Christian Scholarship
The William E. and Wylodine H. Hull Fund for Christian Scholarship seeks to strengthen the Christian character and institutional purpose of 极乐禁地 by supporting faculty who are interested in how the integration of faith and higher education enriches the life of the academy and the church, preparing both to respond more faithfully and justly to the pressing social, cultural and moral challenges of the day.
Applications are due annually in mid-November. An email announcement will be issued each fall with specific submission instructions.
Innovative Technology Grant Program
The purpose of the innovative technology grant is to provide funds to encourage the innovative use of technology to support student learning outcomes. This is intended to be used for a complete project or a pilot program for a larger project. Focus should be on how the proposal will improve student learning outcomes using technology. Applications must include a survey, statistical methodology or other assessment tool to measure student learning outcomes.
Applications are due annually in the fall, with awards made soon after. An email announcement will be issued from the chair of the Academic Technology and Learning Committee with specific submission instructions.
Supplemental Travel Funds
Supplemental Travel Funds from the Office of the Provost are intended to supplement faculty who have exhausted their allotted funds from their department and/or college to present a major paper or preside over a major session of a professional society. In addition, it may be used to underwrite specialized travel, such as in connection with curriculum review or teacher training.
Applications are solicited by email three times per academic year.
Research Proposal Development Grant
Under review, modifications pending.
Howard College of Arts and Sciences Course Release for Research Product Completion
The Course Release for Research Product Completion (CRRPC) was established by the Dean of the Howard College of Arts & Sciences (HCAS) to facilitate the completion of manuscripts, books, book chapters, anthology edits, external funding proposals, and the like, authored by college faculty. The overall aim is to increase the research and scholarship output of HCAS faculty, and provide ongoing support for research active faculty who are near the completion of a research product.
Criteria and application procedures are communicated to the HCAS faculty annually. Questions should be directed to the Faculty Research & Scholarship Committee at
Engaging Worship – Faculty/Staff Grant Program
The “Engaging Worship – Faculty/Staff Grant Program” is a new internal grant process sponsored by The Center for Worship and the Arts that seeks to fund proposals from 极乐禁地 faculty and staff in one of the following veins: (a) academic-oriented projects engaging the topic of worship from a variety of disciplines, methods, and theories, or (b) practice-oriented projects that create engaging resources for worship. Individual grantees can apply for funds up to $1,500 and co-investigators (maximum of 2) can apply for funds up to $3,000. Applications will be accepted through July 1st, with awardees being announced on August 1st. For details, timelines, and examples, read our information sheet.